Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have insurance?

Great! I would encourage you to keep it for prescription coverage, emergencies, surgeries. hospitalizations and more.

Can I use my insurance?

I am more than happy to give you an invoice that you can submit to your insurance company to see if they will cover my services. It’s just I won’t do this for you. I (Dr. Weisman) feels that much of the issue with American healthcare is the third party payer system and so I’m choosing no longer to participate and let insurance companies dictate how I can interact with my patients.

What if I have a medication that needs a Prior Authorization (PA) to my insurance company?

I will do my best to try to complete and get this medication covered. However, you will also have to advocate for yourself since this is a 1-person practice.

So, I really can have as many visits as I need?

Yes! If it gets excessive, we will talk about it.

Can I text you?

Yes, using the patient portal HERE, you can send messages directly to my phone. Please give me 1 business day to respond. If you have a true emergency, DO NOT WAIT AROUND FOR MY REPLY. Get your @$$ to the hospital!!

I have Indiana Medicaid, what about me?

Weisman Medical Services is currently going through the process of investigating if I can provide people with this type of insurance a way to use it in the practice. If you would like to be a patient but have this insurance type, please email and I can give you an update.

I have Medicare, what about me?

Due to the large amount of regulation, I (Dr. Weisman) will not be participating in Medicare. You can still have Medicare benefits and see me as your physician. There is some paperwork we will complete that acknowledges that you are getting care and paying for a service outside your Medicare coverage and also you have a choice to seek a provider who is in-network with Medicare.

What services do you provide?

Dr. Weisman provides full spectrum care of:

  • Addiction medicine (including Buprenorphine (Brixadi) injections, Naltrexone (Vivitrol) injection and other innovative evidence based practices)

  • Harm Reduction practices (including free Narcan, needle exchange and education of safer injection education)

  • Gender affirming medicine and safe LGBTQ+ care

  • Osteopathic manipulation

  • Acupuncture

  • Pain management for Fibromyalgia

  • Dermatologic procedures (pain free tattoo, lesion removal, etc)

  • Preventative Care and Referrals for Testing ie: colonscopies and more

  • Whole person care from cradle to grave

I was your patient before. Is it going to be like it was in the past?

Yes and No, this practice will be different in the scope and you will get the same Dr. Weisman.

Dr Weisman primarily did primary care in the past. They are now doing a more tailored, specialized practice focused in on the above topics. If you have questions or concerns, just email and Dr Weisman will answer your questions.

I want to see you for Primary Care but you are doing “all this other stuff.” I’m not sure I fit?

I would encourage you to sign up for a one time consultation visit before getting a full membership to “try out” this new practice. If it fits, great! Let’s continue to keep working together.

If it doesn’t fit, no harm - no foul. You are free to continue to see a different provider/clinic. I am an advocate and member of the queer community and feel deeply compelled to care for people with addiction and recovery. This is an important part of my practice and is not going away. I would ask that you examine your own beliefs and biases and understand that this practice serves ALL PEOPLE. Ultimately, you decide where you seek healthcare.

If I don’t like this type of medical practice, can I cancel?

Absolutely, you can cancel. However there are deadlines for refunds.

Can I have a refund?

EVERYONE: You have 14 days from the time you first sign up to change your mind and get a full refund.


  • 0-14 days = full refund

  • 15-20 days = 50% refund

  • 21 day or more = No refund


  • 0-14 days = full refund

  • 15-180 days = 50% refund

  • 181-270 days = 25% refund

  • 271 days or more = No refund

What about if I have a medical emergency?

DO NOT WAIT AROUND FOR MY REPLY. Get your @$$ to the hospital!!

Will you see me over the weekend or holidays?

The simple answer is no. Dr. Weisman is a strong advocate for work-life balance. You can however send a message, email, text or call and Dr. Weisman will get back to you the next business day.

What days will Dr. Weisman see me?

With this new start, I will have a somewhat irregular schedule and will work hard to get you seen. Eventually, I would like to move to a Monday through Thursday schedule. Please contact with questions.

When will Dr. Weisman have her own physical office space?

Whether the practice is large enough to financially support one. (Anyone have an office space for rent in the Otwell or Petersburg area?) This all depends on growth. You can help by spreading the word, tell your friends and family and posting on social media.

You didn’t answer all my questions.

Ok, no problem. Just email and Dr Weisman will answer your questions. If you prefer a text or call, just let them know this.

Please consider making Weisman Medical Services LLC your medical home